The Phoenix Film Foundation needs your support on Arizona Gives Day - April 7, 2015! — Phoenix Film Festival

The Phoenix Film Foundation needs your support on Arizona Gives Day - April 7, 2015!

AZ-Gives-Day-FB-Cover-Photo_JOIN Arizona Gives Day is a powerful 24 hour online giving experience that unites Arizonans around causes they believe in -- like the Phoenix Film Foundation. Hosted by the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits and the Arizona Grantmakers Forum, Arizona Gives Day is a great way for nonprofits like the Phoenix Film Foundation to connect to the larger community, learn how to use new digital tools and strategies, and generate excitement and resources for our mission.

The Phoenix Film Foundation is excited to be participating in this year's Arizona Gives Day and hope that you will be able to support us. Any and every monetary donation helps.

You can participate in Arizona Gives Day by clicking here.

Thank you so much in advance for your support!