Support the Phoenix Film Foundation while you shop on! — Phoenix Film Festival

Support the Phoenix Film Foundation while you shop on!

Thanks to a program on, you can support the Phoenix Film Foundation while you shop. By clicking the link below, you will be able to support the Phoenix Film Foundation and our educational programs while you pick out that perfect present because of Amazon's new program, Amazon Smile.

Through Amazon Smile, once you have made the Phoenix Film Foundation your charity of choice, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase's price to help us on our mission: to support and develop the artistic appreciation, educational opportunities and growth of independent film within Arizona. We do this through our educational programs that teach the art of independent filmmaking to hundreds of Arizona students every year.

Here's the best part, almost everything you buy on is eligible — clothes, books, appliances. Need a Norman Rockwell painting? There's one on Amazon for $4.8 million. You get a present for yourself and you support us as well!

As always, we thank you for your support of the Phoenix Film Foundation. So what are you waiting for? Click below and start shopping! But don't forget to always start your shopping at!

[button link="" type="big" color="orange" newwindow="yes"] CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT PFF[/button]